
A 28 Day Program to Reset and rebalance your hormones

Period Problems

Period problems got you down?


I know you’re here because you’re trying…

To eat right. Exercise. Be healthy. Figure out what’s really going on with your hormones and cycle, while simultaneously trying to be a better woman/mother/daughter/partner/friend/person.

I know you’re tired because there is so much you “should” be doing — for your mental, physical and hormonal health — but your schedule is already overflowing and your energy can only stretch so far.

I also know what you truly need (and want) is to…

Dedicate time to your health. Hit the reset button and start fresh. Kickstart a healthier lifestyle, plant the seeds of better habits, and reconnect with your body. Preferably with a dash of fun and the support of women who crave the same feelings of freedom and health that you do.


Fix Your Period Wtf Is Going On


If only you knew where to start so you could...

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You can!


Hi! I’m Nicole Jardim, a Certified Women’s Health Coach and the author of Fix Your Period: 28 Days to Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps and Manage Moodiness

It’s pretty clear to me that we’re in the midst of a modern day hormonal health crisis.

And, we keep getting offered the birth control pill, anxiety medication, antidepressants, and crash diets to ‘fix’ our symptoms.

But, they don’t work.

You know this because you’ve probably tried one (or all) of these ‘solutions’ and none of them worked the way you’d hoped.

The good news is you’re here right now taking charge of your health, and that’s the first step towards happy hormones, healthy periods and optimal fertility!

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the truth is


Suffering related to your period is not normal, and it’s high time we move away from this belief.

Imbalanced hormones play a big role in menstrual and fertility problems. These symptoms don’t happen to women who have balanced hormones — which is good news, because the causes of hormone imbalances are actually the solutions.

Your brain and endocrine glands talk to each other via hormones, and the Harness Your Hormones Program is designed to reopen those channels of communication and keep the conversation flowing.

This program gives you simple, straightforward and proven food, supplement and lifestyle hacks and strategies that will help you significantly improve your hormonal landscape and change your relationship with your period, STAT.

It's time

To take back control

The Harness Your Hormones Program is for every woman and menstruator who’s on a mission to find real solutions for their period problems.

The moodiness and mini-breakdowns. The acne. Oh, the acne!

The periods that are on their own schedule, showing up whenever they please.

The PMS that wrecks you for weeks, only to be followed by days of spotting, heavy, painful periods and all the other symptoms you wish would disappear into a reality far, far away.

Who has time for any of that?! I know you definitely don’t!


Pulling Hair Out
Choose to Harness Your Hormones if you want to know:
If You Want To Know 03

How your hormones work, what a hormonal imbalance actually is, how to tell if you have a hormonal imbalance, and what's normal and not normal for your period

If You Want To Know 04

The top culprits that cause hormonal imbalances & what's stopping you from having normal periods PLUS how to start avoiding them.

If You Want To Know 05

A targeted step-by-step
4-week protocol and practical solutions to have balanced hormones, better periods & improved fertility.

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Personalized solutions for your specific menstrual cycle or fertility-related concerns–– heavy bleeding, painful periods, irregular cycles, spotting, PMS and more.

Together, we’ll get your period and your body back in sync like they should be!

I can relate...

My hormonal health journey started in my teens. I had the worssst PMS symptoms, ridiculously heavy periods and the kind of pain that makes you see stars. Plus my period would make an appearance, oh… every three months or so.


I eventually saw my doctor who immediately put me on the pill. I didn’t know it then, but the pill was only a temporary fix that masked what was actually a raging hormonal imbalance — while also creating a whole new set of symptoms.

So while I began to have lighter, easier periods (yay!), I found myself battling chronic yeast and urinary tract infections. A whole bunch of other seemingly unrelated symptoms started cropping up too — stomach problems, joint pain, chronic colds, and a constant feeling that I was not well.

I tried all the western medical treatments, but the doctors I saw had no idea what was wrong with me.

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All of my tests came back ‘normal’ even though I felt awful — oh, the injustice!

One doctor thought I had Rheumatoid Arthritis, while another thought I had Crohn’s disease! I spent thousands of dollars on tests and procedures and got…nothing. No answers, and no relief.

I eventually got fed up with my mystery ailments and the wanna-be diagnoses! A friend suggested I see her acupuncturist, and since I had nothing to lose, I went for it.

During the first session, he gave me more answers than any doctor had given me in YEARS. I knew then and there that I was on the right path.

Moral of the story: stepping off the conventional medicine hamster wheel and taking an alternative route to healing changed the trajectory of my life.

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SKIP TO SEVERAL (10+) YEARS AND LOADS OF TRAINING LATER... I’m a Certified Women’s Health Coach and the author of the best selling book, Fix Your Period.

I passionately believe that YOU can (and should) be an active participant in your health, and I’m dedicated to showing you how to take back control of your body.

Through my coaching practice, website, podcast, and online education courses I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of women to rethink how they approach their periods and help them tap into their cycle superpowers.

I’ll be giving you a step-by-step, no-B.S. process (that I’ve tested with thousands of my clients) to begin balancing your hormones, so you can get on track to experiencing drama-free periods that are no big deal.

Here's how it works

Harness Your Hormones


  • This is the foundational lesson where I’ll tell you why you are not actually broken, and exactly why you’re having all these problems in the first place!
  • You’ll find out what’s causing your hormone imbalance — and how to tell if you have an imbalance (spoiler alert if you’re reading this, you probably do…).
  • Then I’ll explain what’s normal and what’s not when it comes to periods.
  • You’ll also get a worksheet with all my top tips and extra resources, so you can get started making changes straight away!


  • In Week 1, I’ll show you how to begin laying the groundwork for the implementation phase of the program
  • I’ll give you the expert lowdown on how to restore the dynamic dance between your sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone so you can finally start feeling amazing in your body.
  • You’ll get the Week 1 meal plan with a super easy strategy for eliminating problematic foods, the recipe book and shopping list along with simple tips to help ease you into weeks 2 and 3. 


  • Weeks 2 & 3 are where the rubber really hits the road–when you begin resetting your hormones to upgrade your period and fertility.
  • You’ll get a 14-day Meal Plan and Lifestyle Guide, plus my top Detox Tips and Feel Goods. 
  • I’ll show you that you CAN get your period symptoms under control, and how to do it using specific foods and supplements.
  • You’ll get the lowdown on blood sugar stabilization and bowel movements – basically two of the most important elements of balanced hormones!
  • I’ll also share what to expect in terms of how you’ll feel and what you’ll experience over the coming weeks. 


  • In this lesson I show you exactly how to end the program and transition to a hormone & cycle supportive lifestyle.
  • I’ll explain how to reintroduce foods using my easy-to-follow 1-2-3-4 technique so that you can strategically add foods back in and figure out what does and doesn’t work for your body
  • To wrap things up, you’ll take an inventory of where you are now compared to just a few weeks ago–I promise it will be quite amazing–and commit to my three steps to creating sustainable change so you are on the road to periods that are No.Big.Deal.

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to say “yes” to harnessing your hormones!

That’s why I’ve got a 7-day guarantee.

Simply send an email within the first 7 days of your purchase date to  su*****@ni**********.com  with the email address you used to order the program, along with the reason you’re not happy, and I’ll process your refund.


28 days to take back control of your hormones and your life

Got questions? I've got answers!

I’ve designed this program with you in mind! This is a super digestible, and easy to implement program with well laid out and easy to follow steps. Each module is short and sweet and gets the point across as quickly and efficiently as possible. Each week of the program you’ll implement my recommendations, and they should not take more than 1-3 hours per week.

Thousands of women who are super informed have taken my courses and tell me they’ve truly changed the way they relate to their bodies. This is where I bring the INSANE level of training and information I’ve been immersed in for more than a decade, straight to you.

And, it’s all been distilled into bite-sized chunks so that you can take action straight away.

This Harness Your Hormones 28-Day Reset Program will give you the answers you’ve been looking for in ONE place, so you can finally break free from the monthly turmoil and start feeling like you can take on the world. There’s no B.S., and no fluff. Just actionable steps to help you start feeling better, fast.

This course is 100% virtual, which means you can access it anytime, anywhere. Once you sign up, you’ll get easy instructions on how to get into the online classroom and get the good times rolling with the videos and worksheets.

You can start any time and go at your own pace. As soon as you complete each module, the next week’s course materials are released. And you get access to the study materials forever!

Many past students of my Fix Your Period programs retake their courses as a refresher when they need to. With the amount of info packed in there, you can’t absorb it all at once. Luckily, it’s always at your fingertips.

I’m going to introduce and discuss foods that are good for you from a hormonal perspective. I’ll also delve into the foods that are not so great and I’ll explain why that’s the case.

This course is not a vegetarian or vegan course. We’ll talk about animal protein and why it can be very helpful for women with hormonal imbalances. Some women do really well on a vegetarian or vegan diet, but in my experience many others need animal protein to feel their best. It’s different for everyone and I respect that in this course. The recipes are mostly centered around animal protein, however they can be modified for a plant-based diet, and there are also plant-based recipes included.  

Abso-freakin-lutely! This course is designed for women all over the world — in fact, women from more than 50 countries have completed my programs.

All you need is a computer, iPad or smartphone, an internet connection, and a credit card or Paypal account to purchase the course and get set-up. Easy peasy!

Most of my recommendations are food and lifestyle-based, and I also recommend about 3-5 supplements. I understand that not everything is available in every country but I promise you’ll be able to implement almost everything I recommend even if you’re outside of the US.  

Forget everything you’ve been told about learning to
“just deal with it” when it comes to your period problems.
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The Period Girl Nicole Jardim

Nicole Jardim is a Certified Women’s Health Coach, writer, speaker, mentor and the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women and menstruators to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines evidence-based information with simplicity and sass. Her work has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world, and as a result, she’s earned the nicknames “period girl” and “professional period fixer,” and has been called on as a women’s health expert for sites such as such as The GuardianWell+Goodmindbodygreen, and Healthline. Nicole is also the host of The Period Party, a top-rated podcast on iTunes.

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